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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Culture Fest 2024

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The College would like to thank everyone who participated in CultureFest week just before the break.

Following a successful day of activities in 2023, CultureFest was back for a full week of events and workshops focussing on a range of topics and aspects relating to Multiculturalism and Equality & Diversity.

The inaugural CultureFest was designed in partnership with a Student Voice group and Kadus Smith, a Youth Intervention Worker from Plymouth Argyle Community Trust and was an opportunity to spread awareness of Multiculturalism and champion Anti-racism and Inclusion.

Activities in CultureFest 2024 covered a variety of subjects including...



Social Discussions


the Law


...and featured a variety of guests and local role models to give students a greater insight into the subject.

For more information, please click the links below to discover more about the week.

Culture Fest 2024

Discovering Your Identity
Food and Culture Workshops

Opening Eyes to Hate Crime

Culture Fest Culinary Delights
E and D Q and A

Culture Fest Day 2024