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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Careers and Work Experience

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If you have been directed here from an Ivybridge Community College social media post, please scroll down this page to view employment/careers events that the College has been made aware of.

Careers and Work Experience Team

Imogen Martin Jenny Hughes
  Careers Officer
Assistant Principal and Lead for (Level 6 Qualified in
Work Experience and Careers Careers Guidance and
Matt Kibler Helen Reddy
Key Stages 3 Director of Enrichment
and 4 Careers and Sports Academy

Telephone: 01752 691000
(please include FAO Careers in the subject heading)

'The Ivybridge Community College Careers Curriculum strives to provide all students with aspirational, achievable and current information, advice, guidance and experiences to allow students to make informed choices about their futures'. 

Careers education is about inspiration as much as advice.  All learners deserve the opportunity to see careers in action and to have hands-on experience in a work place to truly be enthused about their future.  It is essential at Ivybridge Community College that we provide inspiration for young people through real-life contact with the world of work so that when they come to make big decisions, they understand where different choices could take them in the future. 

We are constantly amazed by the high aspirations and work ethic of our students.  We are delighted to be able to offer students the opportunity to get into workplaces through our Work Experience programme.

We have a plethora of options and packages, carefully curated to ensure students of all aspirations and disciplines have opportunities to visit and engage with workplaces that can help them shape their future.  It is our hope and ambition that every student at Ivybridge Community College embraces the Work Experience programme and uses it as a real opportunity to understand where their education can lead them. 

Careers Education at the College
Careers education at Ivybridge Community College is led by Imogen Martin, Assistant Principal: Sixth Form and Careers.  Working alongside College Directors, the Sixth Form Team, the Director of Enrichment, mentors and advisors from outside the College we ensure that all students have access to quality information, opportunities and bespoke advice that is both unbiased and tailored to the individual needs of our students.  Thus ensuring that all our students at Ivybridge Community College are best prepared for their prosperous futures.

The College uses Unifrog online, “a bespoke one-stop-shop where students can explore their interests and then find and successfully apply for their best next step after school”.

Careers Advice and Guidance
Ivybridge Careers is led by Jenny Hughes our Careers Officer.  Jenny’s role is to provide independent and impartial Careers Advice and Guidance for our students.

Jenny supports young people at the College to explore their next steps, potential career pathways and in supporting personal ambition and challenging bias in future pathways.

A large aspect of Jenny’s role in the College is delivering one-to-one careers advice interviews with students in Years 10 & 11.  Jenny is also available at key college events such as the Careers Fair and Sixth Form Open evening.  The role of Careers Co-ordinator is also to organise trips and on school futures events to ensure every learner has an enriched Careers programme from years 7-13.

Currently the ASK apprenticeships programme is delivered to Ivybridge Community College students by Devon appointed provider Future Smart Careers.  This programme delivers Apprenticeship Awareness sessions via Teams to all Year 10 tutor groups, a T Level Awareness Assembly to all Year 11 students, and a bespoke computer workshop on Searching for Apprenticeships to Year 11 students.  This gives our students the support and guidance required to enable them to consider work related pathways such as apprenticeships and T Levels as they head towards the end of Year 11.  For more information on the ASK Programme click here.  For further information, please click here to visit the Apprenticeships website.

If any young person requires an appointment, they can be requested through the school intranet on ‘Quick Links’, or, through their tutor.

Management of provider access requests
Providers wishing to request access should contact:
Imogen Martin, Assistant Principal and Careers Lead via 

Some useful links can be found below 



Career of the Week

The College is delighted to announce the launch of its new Career of the Week page.

Unsure of what you would like to do upon completion of your GCSEs?  This page will present a weekly Case Study of a particular Job or Occupation in detail, including various information on the role.

If you're looking for some inspiration, please click here.


Parental Advice

Parents and Carers play a critical role in a helping a young person make career decisions from an early age.  Sometimes, offering support is all your child needs when thinking about career options.

For more information on speaking with your child regarding Careers, please click here to see a video about the subject created by Talking Futures.


EDT / Industrial Cadets
A Career as an Engineer
Online Masterclass
on Wednesday, 31 July 2024
from 2.30pm - 4.00pm

From the organisation: "We are running an online Masterclass over the summer  that will be perfect for STEM loving students in years 12 & 13.

"This Masterclass, ‘A Career as an Engineer’ will be led by a Chartered Engineer who has over 30 years global experience of Engineering and Programme Management

"It is a thoroughly fascinating and insightful Masterclass but don’t just take our word for it, here are some students' comments who have attended this session previously:

“It was amazing to learn about the various roles that you can do in Engineering and how useful transferable skills are”

“I found learning about the entire journey of someone as an Engineer so useful and eye opening”

“This Masterclass showed me how varied a Career can be for an Engineer”

“The discussion of early Careers and switching between roles was really useful and then being able to have all of my questions answered at the end was amazing”"

For more information on this opportunity, please see the 'A Career as an Engineer Masterclass' document at the bottom of this page.

Should you have any further queries, you can contact the Student Recruitment team on:

01707 906106
or click here


EDT / Industrial Cadets
Routes into STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Virtual Experience
Until July 2024

EDT and Industrial Cadets are running a virtual Routes into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programme for those currently in Years 9 and 10.

This course will run during the period Monday, 2 October 2023 until Friday, 2 August 2024Students are able to join and complete this course flexibly within this time frame.

Fully funded bursary places are available for eligible students (those in receipt of free school meals or Pupil Premium, for example). 

What's Involved?

  • Exploring different Routes into a STEM career including College Courses, University Courses, and Apprenticeships and learning from industry what is involved in a STEM career as well as enhancing your skills.
  • Live interactive sessions over the half-term breaks, school holidays and after school, allowing you to listen and ask questions to STEM students and professionals.
  • Getting to work on a project set by a STEM company to look further at a career area that interests you.

Advantages of Participating

  • Find out about different Routes into a STEM career from industry experts, college and university leaders, as well as young people who are currently on that path
  • Engage in projects and activities that will enhance your problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and innovation skills.
  • Create your own personalised action plan to see your own Route into STEM
  • Learn about your career skills and how you could write about this in your CV/ Personal Statement
  • Receive an Industrial Cadets Bronze Award showing all that you have achieved on the course.
    (The Bronze Awards are highly respected in the STEM industry and are the industry equivalent of the Duke of Edinburgh Award - Patroned by the King)

There are additional live sessions which will take place during the year. For more information on these, please click here.  

For further information and to apply, please see either the EDT/Industrial Cadets Virtual Routes into STEM document from the list at the bottom of the page or click here to go to the application page.


EDT / Industrial Cadets
Insight into University
Virtual Experience
Until August 2024

Fully funded bursary places are available for eligible students (those in receipt of free school meals or Pupil Premium, for example). 

Excerpts taken from Organisation's Publicity Material: Insight into University (previously known as Headstart) is a comprehensive virtual experience allowing students to explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) studies at University and the career opportunities that these subjects lead to. 

It provides access to information on University and student life, STEM projects and activities set by leading UK universities and global STEM companies, first year undergraduate lectures, live interactive sessions with academics, admissions tutors, employers and current students

Whether you are interested in life sciences, chemistry, biomedical, forensic science, robotics, food science, electronics, engineering, physics, computer science, sustainability, materials science, aerospace, built environment, tech(nology) or maths, we have something for you!

With specially developed content and live sessions from Universities, including...















We will also have some fantastic workshops and careers guidance from organisations such as...

Innovate UK



Tech Partnership

Rolls Royce

...and more.

The unique feature of this course is that students are able to access content from a diverse range of STEM subjects and will be able to tailor a course that suits their interest.

On successful completion of the course, which involves 30 hours of study, students will receive a Silver Industrial Cadets award and be in a position to make a more informed decision for their UCAS application.

Course Topics

  • STEM subjects at University – a variety of information about the different STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subject options that are available at university and how these link to careers.
  • University Lectures – a wide selection of lectures recorded for you by our university partners.  These will give you a taster of what first-year undergraduate level lectures are like and also increase your knowledge in the subject area.
  • World of Work – workshops set by STEM industry partners allowing students to experience real-life applications of STEM subjects.
  • Live sessions – a full timetable of live sessions to allow students to interact with academics, university admissions tutors, current undergraduates, mentors, young graduates and industry experts.  You can hear information first-hand and ask all of your questions.
  • Projects and Activities – practical activities, projects and challenges developed and delivered by our university partners that you can do from home.
  • Graduation Project – presentation of programme outcomes and award of an Industrial Cadets Silver Award.
    he Silver Awards are highly respected in the STEM industry and are the industry equivalent of the Duke of Edinburgh Award - Patroned by the King)

Course Requirements

  • Can be completed flexibly to fit around other commitments and study at a pace that suits individual circumstances.
  • Open to all students aged 16 and over and suitable for all abilities, with activities covering different levels of advanced study.
  • All students need is a genuine interest in STEM subjects and inquisitiveness about what the future can hold for them and how they can help get themselves there.

Duration: 30 hours to be completed at your own pace.

What our students say

"I've absolutely loved every minute of this course. I found the live sessions in particular very inspiring and informative, and all of the taster lectures were both accessible and challenging. I'm really excited to continue with my STEM studies.”

"This course absolutely helped me with my future education and career path. The way I was able to choose which activities or lectures I wanted to complete was undeniably useful as it meant I could tailor a course to suit me. This was a thoroughly enjoyable experience."

 “I really enjoyed the course and feel much more confident in applying to university having done it. The live sessions were very interesting and I was blown away by the wide range of choice of sessions.”

92% of students felt that the skills and knowledge that they gained from the course will have a positive impact on their future studies and career.

86% of students felt confident or very confident in making their future study and career choices after completing the virtual experience.

Dates: This course will run during the period 1st July 2024 – 23rd August 2024 and students can complete the course flexibly within this time. 

Cost: Total cost for this programme is £95.

Fully funded places are available if cost is a barrier. Please indicate your interest on the application form.

To apply for this course please click here to access the form.


International Space Apps Challenge
on Saturday, 5 October and Sunday, 6 October
at The MET Office, Exeter

The challenge revolves around using data from NASA and its partners to explore solutions to challenges we face on Earth and in space.

This year’s theme is

The Sun Touches Everything

Prizes will be given out to teams with engaging storytelling and artistry, alongside use of science and technology. Therefore, this event is not just for students interested in coding and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

The programme is aimed at students 15 years and above. (Please note that the Met Office requires that young people under the age of 18 are accompanied by a responsible adult).

From the organisation: "Join us for the 2024 NASA Space Apps Challenge on October 5- 6 as we celebrate this year's theme of "The Sun Touches Everything" with NASA Heliophysics.

"Sign up for the world’s biggest hackathon – TechExeter and The Met Office are hosting the Exeter location for the NASA Space Apps Challenge."

From the event: "We can't wait to see all of your lovely faces back at the UK Met Office HQ in Exeter.

"The weekend will be about meeting new people and solving interesting challenges together.

"Don't let the 'Apps' part put you off, the best teams are often the most diverse teams in terms of age, skills and experience.

"We have seen great projects made entirely from cardboard!

"The two days at the Met Office hosted event include a buffet lunch and dinner for the Saturday and a buffet breakfast and lunch for the Sunday.

"Snacks and drinks will also be provided throughout the day."

To sign up to the event, please click here.

Form a Team

Gain New Skills

Solve Global Challenges


University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust -
Project SEARCH

Students interested in a Career in Healthcare!

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust has just opened applications for their Project SEARCH Internships.

In partnership with City College, Plymouth, Seetec Pluss and the NHSProject SEARCH Derriford is an Internship Programme which offers 18-24 year olds with a diagnosed Learning Disability and a Plymouth Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) the chance to experience the working environment for one year within any of the University Hospitals Plymouth sites.

If you are interested in finding out more, please click here or see the leaflet below.


Apprenticeships at University Hospitals, Plymouth

From the Organisation: "An apprenticeship with us here at UHP is a paid job. As an apprentice you are available member of our team and will learn and gain practical experience to shape your future career.  Alongside your daily role, you will spend at least 20% of your working hours completing off-the-job training, supported by your colleagues, college, university or training provider and will achieve a nationally recognised qualification.

"Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16, not in full time education and living in England.  There is no upper age limit. All apprenticeship vacancies will clearly state the entry requirements for the role being advertised.

At UHP we are committed to providing opportunities for those wishing to start a career in the healthcare industry.  We will develop the skills of our workforce to enable them to progress along their chosen career pathway.  We offer apprenticeships from entry Level 2 up to and including, Degree and Masters level 7."

For more information, please click here or view the 'Apprenticeships at UHP' document below.


NHS Cadets

From the Organisation: "Are you or do you know someone aged 16-18 who’s interested in becoming part of the NHS?  The NHS has 1000’s of volunteering opportunities and career options waiting to be filled.  NHS Cadets is designed to help young people explore and prepare for a role in the NHS and we would be delighted if you were able to join our next cadet intake.

"NHS Cadets is a great addition to your CV and will help you to stand out in future college, university, volunteering or job applications.

"NHS Cadets is a scheme created by St John Ambulance in partnership with the NHS.  It’s designed to provide you with the opportunity to explore roles in healthcare.

"You'll learn about a range of exciting healthcare topics, develop your leadership and communication skills, and gain insight into volunteering within the NHS."

It is a free programme consisting of 2-hour weekly evening sessions over 11 months. You’ll be supported throughout your volunteering journey by our NHS Cadets Team.

During the programme, young people will learn practical skills for a future in healthcare, and explore the different roles within the NHS.

For more information including how to sign up please click here.


St John Ambulance
Youth Helpers and Leaders Opportunities

From the Organisation: "We have several youth programmes, for young people to grow their confidence, learn first aid skills, and go out on events to help their local communities.

"We have several units across Devon and Cornwall, currently with two in Plymouth and we'd like to set up more to accommodate the young people on our waiting lists, but to do this we need more adult volunteers to join the Youth Team, as Youth Helpers and Leaders, to support these activities and the running of these sessions to young people.

"Becoming a Youth Leader gives access to valuable training courses, builds leadership skills, supports their local community, and helps you grow and learn.

"Becoming a Youth Leader also helps us to support more young people in the community - as on average for every youth volunteer we recruit, we can make 8 spaces for young people to join the programme." 

For more information on available places and to apply, please click here.