Sports Courses
The PE Department prides itself on the success of its students in the many courses that it has to offer. With two courses available for Key Stage 4, and three courses available for Key Stage 5, the PE Department is very often heavily subscribed by the students for the courses that are on offer.
The Key Stage 4 courses, which the Department offers, are GCSE and NCFE PE, which are both sports studies, focusing on very similar aspects of sport. The biggest difference between the two courses is that GCSE PE is assessed on both theory and practical work, and NCFE PE is assessed purely on theory work. If you choose to study GCSE or NCFE PE in Key Stage 4, your teachers will work closely with you to determine the course that is best suited to you.
In Key Stage 5, the courses are again very popular and heavily subscribed, which the Department is very proud of. Specialist teachers deliver a high quality standard of teaching for the best outcomes for students.
Both BTEC options are Level 3 qualifications, meaning that they are full time courses, giving you 27 hours across the fortnight of study time with the teachers.
The A Level course is also very popular, and students study this alongside two other subjects of their choice. During the two-year course, students study four compulsory modules, in order to enhance their understanding for examinations. There is also a practical part to the examination process, where students will demonstrate their technical performance in one sport.
Students wishing to study the courses on offer, or who are interested in more information in regards to a specific course, should use the drop down boxes below in order to gather a better understanding. Please note that entry requirements are correct for the new September 2021 entries.
Course Lead : Mrs Naomi Philpot
Examination Board : AQA
Both the GCSE and NCFE courses are very similar in terms of the topics that are covered but the assessment for them is different. Both courses offer five lessons over a two week period, four of these being theory based, and one being practical based. The practical based lessons are in place to support the theory based work.
Both courses also offer potential careers in medicine, sports science and teaching to name a few. They are also pathways onto A Level PE, BTEC Sport and BTEC Uniformed Protective Services that are offered in Key Stage 5.
The two key theoretical areas that are assessed at GCSE are:
- Applied Anatomy and Physiology in Physical Activity and Sport
- Socio-Cultural influences on Sport and Physical Activity.
The topics that are studied in GCSE PE to assist the knowledge of the two key theoretical areas are:
- Components of Fitness
- Cardio-Respiratory System
- Movement Analysis
- Health and Lifestyle
- Sports Psychology
- Skill Acquisition
The examination process for GCSE PE is divided into two sections. 60% of the final grade is achieved through two x1hr 15min examinations. The remaining 40% of the grade is a practical grade in three activities and coursework.
It is preferred that a student will be competing regularly in at least two sports and participating in three sports. The 40% practical assessment is based on Skill and Performance in a competitive context.
You can see the list of sports that are part of the 40% practical grade in the links at the bottom of the page.
Course Lead : Mr Nick Hitt Examination Board : NCFE Both the GCSE and NCFE courses are very similar in terms of the topics that are covered but the assessment for them is different. Both courses offer five lessons over a two week period, four of these being theory based, and one being practical based. The practical based lessons are in place to support the theory based work. Both courses also offer potential careers in medicine, sports science and teaching to name a few. They are also pathways onto A Level PE, BTEC Sport and BTEC Uniformed Protective Services that are offered in Key-Stage 5. The examination process for NCFE PE is divided into two sections, similar to GCSE PE. However, there is no practical grade on the NCFE course, instead it is 40% examination, and 60% coursework. There are two Units of Study for NCFE PE, these being 'An Introduction to Body Systems', and 'Preparing and Planning for Health and Fitness'. The 40% of the grade assessed by examination, is done by looking at the ‘Introduction to Body Systems’. The remaining 60% of the final grade is the coursework, which looks at ‘Preparing and Planning for Health and Fitness’. Throughout the course, the topic areas are based around Anatomy and Physiology and also Cardio-Respiratory systems. |
A Level PE
Course Lead : Mrs Naomi Philpot
Examination Board : OCR
Current Entry Requirements : 5 GCSE Grades 9-5, and PE and English/Mathematics at Grade 6
This is an excellent, two year course in which you will develop a detailed understanding on four compulsory modules. These modules are:
- Physiology Factors affecting Performance
- Psychological Factors affecting Performance
- Socio-Cultural Studies relating to Participation in Physical Activity
- Evaluation and Analysis of Performance for Improvement
There will also be a practical assessment, where you will need to demonstrate your technical performance in one sport.
This course will provide a huge array of career paths, and also give a strong platform into Higher Education for all degree level study including the likes of Sports Studies and Physiotherapy.
For further details please read the course descriptor.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport
Course Lead: Mr Ross James Examination Board: Edexcel (Pearson) Current Entry Requirements: Preferably 5 GCSE Grades 9-5, including English and Mathematics A two-year programme of study designed to introduce you to a wide range of topics related to Sport. It will prepare students to enter employment in the Sport, Coaching and Fitness industry, whether immediately after their Sixth Form studies or via Higher Education at University or College. The course provides students with a fundamental understanding and key skills for entering the Sports industry, as well as other excellent vocational skills that make you highly employable. The BTEC Sport programme benefits from an exciting Enrichment Programme that runs alongside it. For further details please read the course descriptor. |
BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Uniformed Protective Services
Course Lead: Mr Ross James
Examination Board: Edexcel (Pearson)
Current Entry Requirements: Preferably 5 GCSE Grades 9-5, including English and Mathematics
A modular specification designed to introduce you to a wide range of topics related to the Protective Services. A BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate is equivalent to one A Level. It will prepare students to enter employment in the Services, whether immediately after their Sixth Form studies or via Higher Education at University or College.
The course provides students with a fundamental understanding and key skills for entering the Services (for example Royal Navy, Police, RAF, Fire and Rescue). You’ll study important teamwork, leadership and communication skills as well as other excellent vocational skills that make you highly employable. The units of work are designed to ensure a broad range of knowledge, applied through a vocational, practical method giving students the opportunity to develop key transferable skills and pursue their passion for the Protective Service they’re interested in.
For further details please read the course descriptor.