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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Performing Arts

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Head of Department: Helen Reddy


The Performing Arts Department incorporates a full spectrum of creative subjects including...




Creative PE
(Gymnastics and Trampolining)

Working in collaboration to deliver a cohesive and well-rounded programme, the Department’s passionate and dedicated teaching staff offer students the very best academic support and extra-curricular opportunities, which include concerts and whole-College productions.

Our emphasis is very much on practical-based learning underpinned with a sound theoretical and contextual understanding

We believe this helps students to not only learn their subjects more effectively but also to grow in confidence while acquiring valuable life skills.


Staffing in Performing Arts

We are very successful classroom practitioners who work well as a team, while offering students individual, creative and varied teaching styles

Every member of staff is committed to helping students to achieve the very best that they can and this is reflected in our results.

The Performing Arts Department comprises 13 members of staff
and 22 Peripatetic staff members.

The teaching staff includes:

Head of Music
Miss Katya Padlyevs’ka

Head of Performing Arts
Mrs Helen Reddy

Head of Drama
Mr Stephen Ellis

Teacher in Charge of BTEC Performing Arts
Mrs Natalie Gardiner

Teacher of Music
Mr Gareth Allen Mrs Hannah Stephenson and Mrs Mary Webber 

Teacher of Drama
Miss Lydia Dodds, Miss Sophie Hocking and Miss Mathilda Langdon 

Teachers of Dance
Mrs Natalie Gardiner and Mrs Helen Reddy 

Academy Gymnastics Coaches
Mr Ashley Saunders, Miss Ellie Bickle and Miss Lydia Dodds 

Technical Resource Manager
Mr Simon Whitehorn

Twenty-two part-time instrumental teachers



The Department has the following facilities:

Drama Studio fully equipped with technical facilities


Performance Hall with an open-plan stage fully equipped with technical facilities.
The hall is the focal point of College concerts and presentations


Two Performing Arts studios with mirrors and a sound system


Gymnasium with mirrors and sound system


Music Room (C3.06) - setup as an ICT suite with PCs running Reason 7.1 and Sibelius


Music Room (C3.07) – setup as a Performance Space with an adjacent practice room, both fully equipped with keyboards, headphones, acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitars, stage piano, acoustic and electric drum kits, amplifiers, leads, microphone and microphone stands, and PA system with speakers. 


Music Room (C3.05) – setup as Performance Space.  With acoustic and electric drum kits, electric and acoustic guitars, bass guitars, amps, keyboards and a PA system.


Practice spaces from Band Rooms (with PA, Drum Kits and amps)
to rooms for private instrumental tuition


Suite of inter-connecting rooms, including two large teaching rooms,
smaller rooms for instrumental tuition/practice and tutorials


Fully equipped recording studio


Performing Arts ICT Suite


Music huts for instrumental lessons


Curriculum Organisation and Courses 

Central to the Department is an ethos of team-work and collaboration

We aim to deliver a creative, supportive, professional environment in which to study, research and learn.

The curriculum comprises of...

Key Stage Three 
Dance, Drama, Music and Gymnastics


GCSE Level
Dance, Drama, and Music


RSL Examinations in
Dance and Music 


A Level
Dance, Drama and Theatre, and Music 


BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (equivalent to two A Levels or one A Level)


Community Links

The learning community of the Department is supported and enhanced through access to a variety of innovative professional programmes of activity including...

University of

University of

Barbican Theatre, Plymouth

Theatre Royal,


Cygnet Theatre,


MED Theatre, Moretonhamstead



Enrichment Activities 

The Department’s staff are renowned for their dedication to an extensive programme of lunchtime and after-College activities, which enables the College to run sparkling music concerts, performing arts shows, highly-acclaimed musicals and other exceptional College productions.

For further information please visit our Enrichment pages by clicking the link below.

To visit the Enrichment section of our website,
please click the link: 
