Celebrating Home Learning Commitment
The following are examples of the model of commitment to distance learning we are receiving from some of our students.
Please follow the links to view our Poetry Corner and our gallery of pictures showcasing the wonderful culinary skills and artistic talents of our students during lockdown.

Jude, Year 8 MFL student, has created this wonderful animation in French
Year 7 History student
Year 9 Technology students had a design challenge set which was to model in card a proposed design idea for a storage unit inspired by IKEA.
The wardrobe with hanging clothes was made by Mackenzie.
How and why should we celebrate VE day?
After being at war for 6 years I believe that many people would be feeling very sombre about all of their loved ones who had died and a person who came back would be a very different person to when they left – would be changed by it. But on the other hand there would also be a feeling of relief and happiness that they wouldn’t have to endure war any longer and they would celebrate it.
Winston Churchill declared a public holiday and thousands of people travelled to London to celebrate. In this image Winston Churchill is making his “V for Victory” sign to the crowd. Huge crowds gathered outside Buckingham Palace in London and cheered as Winston Churchill, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth (the now Queen) and Princess Margaret came onto the balcony to greet everyone. The Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret later left the palace and secretly celebrated with crowds outside the palace. In this picture children and their parents had very large street parties and wore nice (not every day) clothing. Special services were held in Coventry Cathedral and the Birmingham Hall of Memory and thousands attended. In fact, in Birmingham the service was held outside because there wasn’t enough room inside. The picture was similar across the country – street parties with Red, White and Blue bunting (for the colours of the Union flag).
Around the world there were mass celebrations. In Paris, France people flocked to the Champs Elysées to celebrate VE day. There were parades in India and Kenya (members of the Commonwealth). There were fireworks over the Kremlin in Moscow (USSR) and in New York, USA there were such a large amount of people rejoicing in Times Square 15,000 police were mobilised to control them.
However some people weren’t celebrating for example in this picture these children are laying wreaths to remember those loved ones that they had lost.
An excerpt from a Year 8 History student's submitted work
Year 7 Home Economics students were tasked to design some cupcakes for a famous person. These wonderful cupcakes were designed by a student for the Captain of the Titanic, John Smith 1850-1912.
Year 7 History student
'Geographer of the Week' awarded to a Year 8 student for creating a fantastic Geography Fieldwork presentation.
Two Year 8 Geography students have created this as part of their homework project on a global biome of their choice. As you will see, they have put an incredible amount of effort into the research and the presentation of this and have produced some exceptional work despite not being able to physically work together.
Year 7 MFL students were set the task of following a video in Spanish to make 'tortilla de patata' or in French to make 'crepes'.
Year 7 Geography students created a project on Antarctica, they investigated the location, climate, animals and politics of the continent which built upon some of the work they had been studying in class last term. Students had the option how they wanted to present the work and we have been really impressed by their efforts.

"Just thought I would share with you some continuous training evidence (lots of cycle rides!) that I have been doing over the past few weeks." Year 9 student
Year 7 History student

"I decided to research Tudor food! Please find attached my Tudor menus and a photograph of the venison pie that my mum and I made." Year 7 History student

A Year 7 Student performing 'Over the Rainbow' as part of her Year 7 Music project. We would like to congratulate her for her excellent work.
A huge well done to a Year 9 student who has attended all recreational dance classes after College hours and completed all her set projects and home learning in GCSE Dance. She has also produced revision resources retrieving what she has learnt from the projects she has been set since College closure.
A Year 10 Gymnastics Academy student continuing to train anywhere she can! A wonderful picture taken whilst exercising with her family.
Year 8 History Student
Year 8 French Student
Year 8 French Student
“Hi Miss, currently doing the work and wishing I was in the classroom. Can't wait to come back ! Hope all is going well for you in lockdown too. See you soon.” Year 8 student

Here is a wonderful example of work from a Year 7 student who completed the APL competition before Easter where students were asked to create an Easter Collage using materials from the garden.
I think you will agree that she has been very creative.
“Hello Miss, I am doing well at the moment and I have been keeping up with my usual timetable. See attached some of my finished pieces. Never thought that I would miss school so much! I hope you are well too.” Year 7 student
"I have finished the work on King John and have attached it. Because me and my sister both wanted to do Tudor fashion for an area which interests us, we decided to do it together and I have attached this as well. I hope this is ok. I have not completed the fact-files on Tudor monarchs yet as I didn't realise that we had some more time so am going to improve them."
Year 7 student
“It’s very hard to show each page but there are around 10, with different categories of Spanish words and phrases that I have learnt/am still learning in my mini booklet.
Also as I do each lesson, I complete a lesson of Duolingo (and I usually do this every day of the week) and a lesson of Linguascope once a week with my Spanish app called Busuu 3 times a week.
I have made flash cards of the tenses and completed the language guide on Foldr. I am really enjoying doing these tasks.” Year 8 MFL student
“My dad and I have been 3d printing surgical mask ear savers for emergency services and carers. Many thanks.” Year 10 student

The College's Food Technology Department is having a constant stream of emails coming in with images of the food that our students have created during the holidays. Below are just a few examples -