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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College


With effect from 1 January 2023, the Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) of schools which are part of the Westcountry Schools Trust, will be replaced by Hub Advisory Boards (HABs).  From this date, all Trust and school documents, including policies, which refer to "Local Governing Bodies" or "LGBs" should be read as "Hub Advisory Boards" or "HABs".

For more information regarding the Hub Advisory Boards, please click here to see our Governance pages. 

Please find the College Policies below

Note that some Trust Wide Policies may be on the Westcountry Schools Trust website

For information on the Exclusion Policy see the DFE guildlines here:

  1. Admissions Policy - 2023/2024
    PDF File
  2. Admissions Policy - 2024/2025
    PDF File
  3. Admissions Policy - 2025 /2026
    PDF File
  4. Admissions Policy - Sixth Form 2023/2024
    PDF File
  5. Admissions Policy - Sixth Form 2024/2025
    PDF File
  6. Admissions Policy - Sixth Form 2025/2026
    PDF File
  7. Anti-Bullying Policy
    PDF File
  8. Attendance Policy (WeST) - 09.2023
    PDF File
  9. Behaviour Policy
    PDF File
  10. Careers Provider Access Policy Statement
    PDF File
  11. Charges and Remissions Policy
    PDF File
  12. Child in Care Policy
    PDF File
  13. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
    PDF File
  14. Complaints Policy and Procedure - WeST
    PDF File
  15. Curriculum Policy
    PDF File
  16. Drugs Policy - WeST
    PDF File
  17. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy - WeST
    PDF File
  18. Electronic Device Policy
    PDF File
  19. Exclusion Policy - WeST
    PDF File
  20. First Aid Policy
    PDF File
  21. Health and Safety Policy - WeST
    PDF File
  22. Intimate Care Policy - WeST
    PDF File
  23. Keeping Children Safe In Education Hire Agreements - WeST
    PDF File
  24. Low Level Concerns Policy - WeST
    PDF File
  25. Online Safety Policy - WeST
    PDF File
  26. Privacy Notice - Governors, trustees, volunteers and members
    PDF File
  27. Privacy Notice - Parents
    PDF File
  28. Privacy Notice - Pupils
    PDF File
  29. Privacy Notice - School workforce
    PDF File
  30. Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
    PDF File
  31. Relationship and Sex Education Policy (RSE) (WeST)
    PDF File
  32. RSE Policy Appendix - Ivybridge PSHE Curriculum Map
    PDF File
  33. SEND Accessibility Plan Policy
    PDF File
  34. SEND Information Report 2023-24
    PDF File
  35. SEND Policy
    PDF File
  36. Students with Medical Conditions the Administration of Medicine Policy
    PDF File
  37. Uniform Policy
    PDF File
  38. Whistleblowing Policy - WeST
    PDF File