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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

NCS 'Don't miss out on the Summer of a Lifetime'

On Tuesday, 23 April, we invited the National Citizen Service (NCS) into our Year 11 assembly to discuss this once in a lifetime opportunity.

The government has set aside £72,000 for 50 students from Ivybridge Community College to take part.

It takes place during the summer holidays over 4 weeks.  NCS is a part-residential experience focused around fun and discovery, with 30 hours committed to a team’s ‘Make a Difference’ project.  Students work in teams of twelve to fifteen, meeting new people from different backgrounds. 

NCS is something that is recognised by both employers and UCAS as a way to develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills and it’s a great use of part of the summer holidays.  This NCS program will be run by Catch 22, who have been delivering amazing NCS programmes for over 5 years and have a fantastic programme lined up for the summer of 2019.

We had a large group of students who completed the experience last summer and all were overwhelmed with the positive experience.


For further information and to register your initial interest please click here.