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Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Ivybridge Community College

Enrichment Week Update

Enrichment Week Update

Firstly, thank you to all parents for such a positive and supportive response to our inaugural Enrichment Week programme.  The majority of students have signed up to an amazing range of activities and enrichment opportunities across the week, providing students and staff the opportunity to take their learning experiences beyond the classroom in a fun and engaging manner.  Can we please request that all parents read and adhere to the following points:

  1. Please do use the booklets from the website (under Student Life), just in case you need to check times, clothing and equipment requirements for each trip.
  2. Please be prepared for the weather - use sun screen, bring plenty of water and make sure you have organised lunch arrangements (where necessary).
  3. All students will be responsible for their own phones and any money they take on trips, unless staff have already made arrangements.  The College cannot be responsible for student phones or valuables.


All students will be registered on a daily basis as per a normal College day.  Therefore, any absence by students not on College trips or attending College will be marked as an unauthorised absence. 

Students who have not registered for any trips should still attend College as normal and additional curriculum provision will be provided.

Onsite Activities - All week - where to register in the morning? 

All students who are taking part in the onsite activities over Enrichment Week must register in the following places and sit in Tutor Groups and then go to the workshops. 

  • Year 7 - Sports Hall
  • Year 8 - Dining Room 
  • Year 9 - Performance Hall 
  • Year 10 - Straight to the Neil Maythorne Block or Work Experience area 

    Useful tips 

    No College uniform is required for the week.

    Students will have break and lunch at normal times in the Dining Hall.

    Be prepared (if at College)

    Remember to bring your reading book and PE kit.

    Wear appropriate clothing for the activity, bring a change of clothing if required to do so.

    Please continue to liaise with the College if you require any further information and once again, thank you in advance for your support on this fantastic experience for our Ivybridge learners.