Shane is TeenStar Finalist!

The Grand Final was held on Thursday, 26 November and Shane had some amazing feedback from the Judges. The public then had their chance to have their say and vote. The Judges chose their top acts and the one with the most votes from the national votes was crowned the winner. Unfortunately, this wasn't Shane's moment this time, however we wish him all the very best for all future opportunities. He was however placed 4th in the 13 years and over category and selected as a Showcase Winner, entitling him to a special showcase meeting with music industry professionals to discuss further developments for his music career.
Shane’s performance can be viewed on YouTube (at about 1hr 35 minutes in)
Ivybridge Community College Year 11 student, Shane Brierley, has progressed through to the Grand Final of the TeenStar Competition, which will be held on Thursday, 26 November, where he will be performing an original song.
The Grand Final show will be broadcast Thursday, 26November at 7pm on our Live Show page. The results will be announced on Wednesday, 2 December at 7pm during a special Live Results Show.
To be the winner of TeenStar you must be in the judges’ top scores. These will be added to the audience votes and the acts with the highest combined scores will be crowned the winners of each age category.
Voting is live and closes on the Wednesday, 2 December at 7.30pm. Votes cost £1, with 10% of the fee going to arts and youth projects via Youth Music.
TeenStar is a first-of-its-kind, online international singing competition specifically for teen and pre-teen performers. The talent competition attracts over 8,000 acts each year in the search for the best teen and pre-teen singers. For further information please follow this link
Earlier this year Shane took part in a ‘24 hour Charity Singing Marathon’ to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease, Plymouth. He started off the marathon with 45 minutes of singing and they raised over £1000 to be able to buy a stair lift and funding towards speech therapy.
“We wish Shane every success in the Grand Final on the 26 November and the Ivybridge community will all be cheering him on! We are also very proud of his dedication towards raising money for charitable causes.” Kelly Olive, Deputy Principal.