Reading Students Raise Money for Charity
At Ivybridge Community College, the Learning Resource Centre raises money every year for various charities through book sales and ‘readathons’.
This year is turning out a little differently, however, they still wanted to organise some fundraising, especially as they have so many keen Year 7 students who would otherwise miss out.
Holly Trafford, Learning Resource Centre Assistant Coordinator, writes, “One of our favourite charities is Read for Good. They supply children in hospitals with great new reading books and fantastic storytellers. A £50 donation will buy one trolley filled with wonderful new reading materials for the children, which I’m sure you agree is needed now more than ever.
This year we’re taking part in the ‘2.6 challenge’! But rather than doing a sporty challenge, we’re doing a ‘reading challenge’.
Our challenge is to read for 26 minutes straight, no distractions, and see how many pages you can read. Once you’ve read, please donate using our fundraising page (below) and then nominate other people to do the same, either friends or family!
Amazingly, with the help of students and staff we've already raised £300, enough for six trolleys of books!
But we'd love to raise more, so for as long as we're in lockdown we will be running this charity challenge. So we nominate YOU to read, donate, and nominate to help children in hospitals enjoy reading as much as we do!”