Spanish Linguist Students Enjoy Salamanca Experience

The highly anticipated annual Modern Foreign Languages trip to Salamanca took place once again in February, and the MFL Department was delighted to take 39 eager Year 9 students to explore and experience one of the most historical capitals of Spain..
For 5 days, students took part in a wide range of lessons and cultural activities at ISLA, an award-winning Spanish Language School, where they tested and put into practise all that they have learnt over the last 3 years in College. The opportunities they had to practise their language skills on various situations were many and our students made the most of it. This is what some of the students had to say about the trip:
“I really, really enjoyed my time here. Nothing I have done before has given me the experience or education that I have had over these 5 days. It has been a very educational and fun trip and my grades will definitely be higher.”
“I enjoyed the trip as we had many great experiences and learnt so much as the lessons were mainly in Spanish and covered things we hadn’t done in College such as past perfect verb endings.”
“For me, the highlight of the trip was the salsa lesson on Wednesday night and the Spanish cooking lesson on Thursday afternoon because we could fully understand the lives of Salmantinos.”
“I enjoyed going around Salamanca on a tour and the ISLA challenge because we were being educated but also had the independence. I also enjoyed having free time to spend with my friends and exploring Salamanca.”
“The trip was amazing and I would definitely recommend it to younger students who get the chance to go.”
“I am sad to leave but I know that I have made amazing memories. Fue perfecto!”
“Fue increíble y me gustaría que durara más tiempo!”
Both the College staff and the teachers at ISLA were very impressed with the level of effort and commitment from the Ivybridge Community College students, with many showing great progress as strong future Spanish linguists.