“Lambing Live”

On Friday, 23 March fourteen Year 11 students visited Greenwell Farm in Yelverton, to experience "Lambing Live".
This was an excellent day where our students met with the famous farmer Mat Cole (his sheep and farmland featured in the Steven Spielberg film War Horse no less!) and his lovely wife, Gemma. They gave us a guided tour of the lambing shed and discussed the biological processes behind lambing, which was a good way for our students to test their GCSE Biology knowledge. We were lucky enough to watch a pair of lambs being born and also have a cuddle with some of the lambs that were a bit bigger and ready to leave their mother’s side.
The comments from the Year 11 class say it all "An enjoyable and educational trip", said Jayden Moore. "I thoroughly enjoyed holding the lambs and revising Science outside of the exam pressure of school", commented Sienna Ruskin, and Jessica Mooney said, "I will never forget holding the lambs they were so cute".