Outstanding Results from Devon's Outstanding Ivybridge Community College

A Level students and staff at Ivybridge Community College, have continued a year of outstanding news with today's announcement of a 99% pass rate.
Over 200 students from Ivybridge Community College received their A Level results with over 50% of all entries at Grade B, A or A*, enabling another group of talented students to progress to top universities. With these results Ivybridge will continue to rank amongst the top Sixth Form Colleges.
The College is extremely proud to see the continued growth of university applications across all subjects but particularly in areas such as the Sciences, Engineering, Maths, Economics and Languages.
30% of our university students are heading for top Universities, on courses ranging from Natural Sciences at Cambridge, Bath and Durham to Engineering at Imperial College, Psychology and Astro-Physics at Exeter, Economics at Cardiff, and Languages and History in London. 30% of all grades were A and above with 20% of all students achieving A or A* Grades.
Performing Arts continues to flourish with students heading for some prestigious colleges including RADA. Results in Diplomas continue to be outstanding with average grades at Distinction or above. In most Diploma subjects, Health and Social Care, Law, Music, Fashion, over 50% of students achieved Distinction Star Grades and will be moving on to a range of apprenticeships and universities.
Rachel Hutchinson, Principal said, "Today's results are exceptional. We are particularly proud of the continued increase in the percentage of students getting the very high grades that are in such demand. Ivybridge has always been recognised and praised for our commitment to supporting the progress of all our students, through a balance of outstanding teaching and learning and the enormous range of enrichment activities. These results are a further reminder of the hard work of our students and staff, which means that our students are ideally placed to progress to the UK's top competitive universities as well as taking up exciting and challenging job opportunities."
Dominic Fenton, the College's Assistant Principal responsible for Post 16 commented, "I am very impressed with these excellent results and the opportunities our students now have to fulfill their ambitions whatever they may be”.
"I would like to congratulate all the students and staff at Ivybridge Community College who have worked so hard this year," said Rachel Hutchinson. "Today we celebrate with individual students from across the College and in many cases, exceeded expectations and we wish them all well in the next stage of their careers."