Year 9 start Living Life To The Full

On Tuesday,23 May, all of our Year 9 students started the Living Life To The Full (LLTTF) course.
Developed in the UK by an expert in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - Dr Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, Living Life to the Full is one of the world’s most used CBT support systems.
The Course aims to help young people get the most out of their lives. By asking questions and illustrating changes, the course gently encourages students to be their personal best.
The course is made up of eight sessions that are being led by a team of trained staff.
The eight sessions cover:
1. Understanding your feelings - and how to make planned changes to feel happier.
2. Doing things that make you feel better - identifying activities that increase feelings of wellbeing.
3. Looking at things differently - responding differently to upsetting thoughts.
4. Building inner confidence.
5. How to fix almost everything - practical problem solving.
6. The things you do that mess you up - learn more about helpful ways to cope in stressful situations.
7. 1,2,3 breathe - Overcoming irritability and anger.
8. 10 things you can do to feel happier straight away - building emotional and physical wellbeing.
With our Year 9s having completed the course, they will have developed a good set of key skills to take with them into Year 10 well prepared for the stresses and pressures that many students feel as they approach their GCSE’s.
If you would like more information please visit to find out more.