Raising Awareness of Anti-Bullying Week

At Ivybridge Community College, in aid of raising funds and awareness of Anti-Bullying week, (15 - 19 November), various activities took place, including, ‘Odd Socks Day’ with staff and students alike embracing the opportunity to impress with their colourful creations in celebration of diversity and uniqueness.
Darby Ball, teacher of Human Sciences and the College’s Equality Lead said, “There has been a real buzz at the College all week and I am so very proud of the Anti-Bullying and Equality Ambassadors who energetically manned the awareness stalls to spread such a good message to the rest of our students, offering the opportunity for students to give feedback and have their voices heard in terms of Anti-Bullying at the College.
Thank you to everyone who got involved and supported Anti-Bullying Week, whether that was through wearing odd socks, visiting our awareness stalls by the Learning Resource Centre, buying a cake at the various cake sales, delivering the CPSHE and Character Education programme or simply spreading the message of ‘One Kind Word’.
In addition, the Key Stages 4 and 5 Amnesty International Group brought Anti-Bullying Week to a close with a final charity cake sale that spread awareness of, and promoted equality for, race, gender and disability. A truly fantastic effort from all involved.”
The Ivybridge Community College Anti-Bullying Team is here to listen, protect and act.
Students who participated during the week said, “We have loved earning our Anti-Bullying badges this week,” and “It’s been so much better after COVID-19 restrictions easing because we can get involved with everything again.”
One of our Equality Ambassadors students wrote the following to accompany an internal College CPSHE video entitled 'I am not a Bystander':
“When I heard that the Equality and Diversity Ambassadors were recruiting, I knew that this was exactly the opportunity I was looking for. A chance to get involved and bring about change and not be a bystander, and passive while the problems carry on. The Ambassadors are a vital cog in the machine that bring progression to the College and even if you don’t want to be directly involved you can also help by coming to us with suggestions and questions. Be the change you want to be, beginning right here at Ivybridge Community College.”
Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week this year.