Fun Physics courtesy of Sixth Form

The College would like to thank its keen Sixth Form volunteers, for their work and effort in giving their younger Primary School Peers a taste of secondary school studies.
We were delighted to be joined by pupils from Modbury Primary School who were presented with a fun, physics session by Sixth Form students.
As part of the lesson, our visitors were given an insight into relevant scientific topics that they will need to know about as part of their GCSE studies, and included Solids, Liquids and Gases, practical tasks, and the principals of Pressure.
Earlier in the academic year, Sixth Form students received a visit from Dorian from the UK Space Agency (Academy) who also led a physics-based workshop, where amongst other things, they had an opportunity to build and launch their own projectiles (rockets).
And as part of their lesson, the Sixth Form volunteers had the opportunity to return the favour to their Primary School guests and yes, they got to make and test their own rockets too!
This special after-school activity was part of a wider programme of (Primary to Secondary School) Transition related tasks that the College is proud to organise, involving both local and partner primary schools within the Westcountry Schools Trust.
There has been a variety of enrichment activities organised throughout the Year including singing, dancing, sports, science practical activities as well as a Willy Wonka inspired afternoon of activities (to mark World Book Day) to encourage primary pupils to look ahead and become excited for their transition to secondary school.
We look forward to offering further community opportunities in the future.